All that Snoo
Last week there was a remarkable sale on OmniFocus, both for the Mac and the iPad (but not the iPhone for some reason). I had been waiting for an opportunity like this so I leapt at the opportunity to add to my vast collection of todo/task managers. I think this is the one I really…
Mountain Lion
I installed the latest OS X release, not much sticks out as significantly different. Â Little things I noticed: Safari 6 Offline reading list – I only use Mac desktops, so no big deal here. Â I also use Pocket for my iOS devices. No RSS anymore – reading, I don’t care but I really miss extracting…
iPad Coding
I have decided to field-test the iPad as a work tool on our trip to the US. I will be definitely cut off from 3G, and will have only occasional Wi-Fi (unless the bus has it, in which case I’ll be laughing). I bought Textastic on a sale today and it’s very impressive with its…
Apple Mail.app to ToodleDo
I already had one script that would send the current message to ToodleDo, but I wanted to adjust it somewhat, so I could flag messages instead, and have them exported, either on a schedule or by hotkey. I reserved the yellow flag in Mail.app for “New Tasks” (you can rename the flags in the sidebar…
Bass Insanity
Having a regular RSS feed of the local music classified can be dangerous to the wallet. This bass caught my eye: The price seemed nice, so I did some research on Brice basses. The TalkBass forums were full of glowing comments (and stunning photos). I figured they’d know this stuff. I took the leap and…
ToDo done
I went on a little while ago about ToDo apps, and finally decided to jump on Appigo’s ToDo for the Mac. Â It’s OK. Â It has a few nice features but it’s missing things like adding tasks easily from Mail, or a nice quick systemwide interface using a hotkey. They do have a systemwide interface, but…
MVC Frameworks (PHP)
I’m on a learning quest again. Â This time to get a solid PHP framework under my belt. Â I am installing the framework and running the quick start tutorials for each of them, if I get that far. Â This is what I have right now (keep in mind my investigation is in progress): CakePHP Pros: Very…
North Sydney Bound
Well, we’re on the way to North Sydney for the Kingdom Hall build. We’re going to take the long way around so that we can see the Cabot Trail at least once. Tina is excited to go see whales on the way, too. We got ourselves a waterproof & ruggedized camera for the occasion, hopefully…
Zygote Fuzz Pedal
Germanium. It sounds exotic. It’s an inferior material for an electronic part but something makes it desirable some 50 years after its original use in guitar effects. So of course, I had to build a fuzz based on this element. These are not good starter projects for a few reasons, one being the polarity is…
To Do Apps… What To Do?
The Potion Factory finally came out of hiding and released v1.0 of The Hit List (after 2 years of nothing).  At the same time they released the iPhone app and their own proprietary sync service.  None of this is cheap. I have THL on my Mac.  I was a champion of it for a long time,…