All that Snoo
Apple Pay
The third punch in the Apple show was the biggest, in my opinion. Again, on the surface it appears to be catch-up but this is much more significant. The competition liked to throw in an NFC antenna and then claim it was a feature, but without deep integration all it is is more hardware. Yes…
Apple Watch
I, like others, was drooling when Apple introduced their new wearable. Â They made the competition look horrendous. Â (As a side note, when I first saw the Galaxy Gear S in pictures, I was excited – it too looked great, and not Android… until I saw the actual size. Â It’s absurd.) They pitched this at everyone.…
Apple’s done it.  “They’ve kneeled to the pressure from Android”.  Haven’t they?  Let me think. One day to a few hours before the event I saw a fair number of tweets where people expressed that they didn’t really want a bigger phone.  The iPhone 5 size is wonderfully compact and ideal for daily use (but lets talk about…
WD MyBook Live
I discovered the other day that my WD MyBook Live is a lot more capable than I realized. It is actually running some flavour of Debian and has a fair suite of default unix commands. So what did I do with it? I didn’t go too wild… Due to the death of a previous MyBook…
More hack attempts
After my last experience, I checked my logs and noticed quite a load of failed attempts on my mail server. It looks like a brute force script kiddie attack, which I’m pretty sure will fail on my machine. Still, I want to kick out these morons. So after some research, I found fail2ban. The installation…
Hack Attack
Someone mentioned they got a bounce from my domain’s email. I went to take a look at the error and discovered a couple of hosts trying to brute force login to my SMTP server. Some quick config changes to create a blacklist, and a fail2ban install and it has stopped now. Lesson 1: check your…
Android… stuff.
So I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the Google I/O keynote. Â I just noticed the tweets. One thing I did notice was the Samsung Gear Live watch – that thing actually looks decent. The problem is a) Samsung and b) Google. Samsung is of course just annoying. Â I’m certain 6 months from now…
Arduino. Fine, and you?
I have long avoided Arduino, because “that’s hardware stuff”, and I just didn’t get it. Â Based on a request from a friend, I looked at it and I just knew I could write the code to get him started. Turns out I could and I did! Now I’ve got loads of ideas, partly practical, partly…
WWDC 2014
Apple had their WWDC keynote today, and announced, well, everything. Their user experience is converging like I couldn’t have imagined before. Â Continuity lets you transfer your work from mobile to desktop just by being close to your Mac. Â You can answer your phone from your computer. Mavericks looks awesome, despite my worry about flattening things.…
Canada domain name registry scam
I have been frustrated with this Domain Scam for a long time now. I have a few domain names, and I happen to be in Canada.  There is a company called “Domain Registry of Canada” that mails out official-looking envelopes (it looks like a government-issue brown windowed envelope) to everyone that has WHOIS information indicating they…