Category: Apple

  • The look of iOS 7

    I agree for the most part with this post. I’m not crazy about the icons – I particularly dislike the settings icon. Me: “I don’t like the settings icon” Tina: “Yeah I preferred the gears better” Me: “It is gears, see?” Tina: “It looks more like the fan in the back of a computer” But,…

  • iPad Coding

    I have decided to field-test the iPad as a work tool on our trip to the US. I will be definitely cut off from 3G, and will have only occasional Wi-Fi (unless the bus has it, in which case I’ll be laughing). I bought Textastic on a sale today and it’s very impressive with its…

  • ToDo done

    I went on a little while ago about ToDo apps, and finally decided to jump on Appigo’s ToDo for the Mac.  It’s OK.  It has a few nice features but it’s missing things like adding tasks easily from Mail, or a nice quick systemwide interface using a hotkey. They do have a systemwide interface, but…

  • To Do Apps… What To Do?

    The Potion Factory finally came out of hiding and released v1.0 of The Hit List (after 2 years of nothing).  At the same time they released the iPhone app and their own proprietary sync service.  None of this is cheap. I have THL on my Mac.  I was a champion of it for a long time,…

  • Studio Six AudioTools

    I finally broke down and got this app, as I figure I will be needing it in a little while.  It’s quite an extensive app, much more than the RTA I was expecting.  It has A- and C- Weighting (as well as none) for the RTA, as well as peaks and average SPL displays and…

  • MacHeist has an iOS app

    MacHeist, notably using “The HEIST” as their new tagline, has just today released an iOS app.  I was at first put off that it was 99 cents, and not free, but I realized it almost certainly leads to some serious savings in something else.  If only I knew what that something else was, to know…


    MacHeist is happening again!  Check out and it should make (very little) sense.  It’s a sort of puzzle game with some super software rewards connected with it.  It usually ends up with a software bundle for sale, but not until after a ton of stuff gets given away for free!

  • iPhone Programming & Objective C

    A couple of weeks ago I started down a long & twisty path, by reading about iPhone programming.  I first bought the eBook to the right, but put off starting to read it until I had worked my way through a bit of a backlog. In the meantime, I discovered the great iTunes U program…