All that Snoo
Studio Six AudioTools
I finally broke down and got this app, as I figure I will be needing it in a little while. It’s quite an extensive app, much more than the RTA I was expecting. It has A- and C- Weighting (as well as none) for the RTA, as well as peaks and average SPL displays and…
MacHeist has an iOS app
MacHeist, notably using “The HEIST” as their new tagline, has just today released an iOS app. I was at first put off that it was 99 cents, and not free, but I realized it almost certainly leads to some serious savings in something else. If only I knew what that something else was, to know…
Another Javascript book
I decided I had better complete my Javascript trilogy with the first book. (The other two are Javascript: the Good Parts and Javascript Patterns) This is a major book for a major language. I think I agree with this guy to a point, that Javascript is possibly the most important language right now. It’s weird…
MacHeist is happening again! Â Check out http://www.macheist.com and it should make (very little) sense. Â It’s a sort of puzzle game with some super software rewards connected with it. Â It usually ends up with a software bundle for sale, but not until after a ton of stuff gets given away for free!
SimCity 4
I picked up SimCity 4 Deluxe for $5 the other day. What a bargain! This is a really cool and deep game. Of course I started out with a city called “Tinatown”. The Road Rage expansion is cool too, you can drive around in your city on a few various missions, though they are a…
iPhone Programming & Objective C
A couple of weeks ago I started down a long & twisty path, by reading about iPhone programming. I first bought the eBook to the right, but put off starting to read it until I had worked my way through a bit of a backlog. In the meantime, I discovered the great iTunes U program…
New JavaScript book
I got my new Javascript book delivered yesterday. My first thought was that it was quite thin (it only has about 150 pages including the appendices and index)! I took a look at the first section, and it’s quite thorough; the author himself states that it is quite information-dense, and that it will require a…
Style tweaks
First, I want to overlay the title over top of the header image. Next, I’d like to add a third widget column. Why are there so few 3-column themes?
WordPress configuration
I need to figure out the following: Is there a way to blend pages and posts together nicely on the site, so that I don’t have to configure only posts to see them on the main page? Â I would like to make a menu that will show me maybe the latest five or so, but…
jQuery book finished
I finished my jQuery book (at right) What a great book! Â It was much more than a simple functional reference for jQuery, but actually walked through practical implementations of each category of functions. I learned a lot more from this than I did by reading through Rebecca Murphey’s jQuery book. (Though to be fair, that…