Category: Programming

  • WordPress configuration

    I need to figure out the following: Is there a way to blend pages and posts together nicely on the site, so that I don’t have to configure only posts to see them on the main page?  I would like to make a menu that will show me maybe the latest five or so, but…

  • jQuery book finished

    I finished my jQuery book (at right) What a great book!  It was much more than a simple functional reference for jQuery, but actually walked through practical implementations of each category of functions.  I learned a lot more from this than I did by reading through Rebecca Murphey’s jQuery book.  (Though to be fair, that…

  • Snack: Dogfood

    Well hello. I am finally setting up this blog, not because I really need to share my thoughts with anyone, but because I need more practical WordPress experience.  Unfortunately that means I will have to include content as well as code.  Hope it is a) entertaining b) informative or c) nutritional for all of you.