All that Snoo
Surface Pro 3
I’m not sure I have an opinion on this thing, just because it is so significantly out of my working style. That shouldn’t stop me posting though! It’s pretty clear that MS doesn’t get the tablet market. When they seem to say “hey we’ve been making these slates for 13 years now, let’s do the…
Bad Fleksy.
FYI “Fleksy Free” on the Google play store is actually “Fleksy Trial”. Â Way to misrepresent your app, folks. I’m back to SwiftKey. Update: looks like Swiftkey is just as bad. Â I didn’t realize it because I had the freebie from Amazon. Guys, can’t you just be up front about this stuff instead of wasting our…
DSLR Dashboard
I referred to DSLR Dashboard a while ago by at the time it did not run on my Kobo Arc, just our dog-slow LG phone. Well, it looks like the latest version runs! Huzzah! I had to download it directly from their website, and not use the Google play store. Totally worth it. I wonder…
iPad multitasking
I have no idea if this rumor has any substance to it, but it makes me wonder. I have long wanted a way to view, for example, a document alongside a stopwatch, which is a very simplistic use case, I know. Or a Bible app alongside an ePub reader. If they do this, I can…
Great VPS Experience
I have been using shared hosting from 1 & 1 for a few years now. No big complaints (except their domain management page is terrible) but I needed a bit more flexibility. I suppose shared hosting with its inherent limitations helps you develop a certain way, but I wanted a bit more. For one, I…
This morning I got an email from Amazon, they are now syncing side loaded documents to their cloud service alongside Amazon-purchased books. I loaded the kindle apps on my iOS devices again and sure enough, the one test book I had uploaded showed up. With a little bit of arguing I got annotations to sync.…
Microsoft Office on the iPad
With lots of hoopla, Microsoft finally realized they were ignoring a lucrative platform and released “Office” for the iPad. I, like millions of others, wanted to see what it offers, despite my… ennui (is that contextually valid?) with Office for the iPhone. I realized that most of the functionality is locked away behind a (fairly…
Another eBook reader option
So, while I like Google Play Books, I would like another option with a little better library management. Â It has to have good syncing so iBooks is definitely out. I did a search and came across a Wikipedia article on comparing iOS book readers. Â There are a lot more than I thought! Â The one that…
Sorry iBooks, it’s over.
I’ve had it with iBooks, mostly because of its insane destructive syncing scheme. Â Which isn’t syncing at all, is it? Â See my logic below. I want to read books with my two portable Apple devices, optionally with my desktop Apple computer. Â I want to highlight, bookmark or annotate in one device and sync to any…
Hardware vs. Software (Nikon)
This week I ran head-on into a fantastic hardware product (Nikon WU-1a) that is almost made useless by its software (Wireless Mobile Utility). I wish this sort of thing was rare, but it happens only too often. (I’m looking at you, Logitech) In this case, the device is a tiny adapter that plugs into what…