Bass Insanity

Having a regular RSS feed of the local music classified can be dangerous to the wallet. This bass caught my eye:

Brice Bass

The price seemed nice, so I did some research on Brice basses. The TalkBass forums were full of glowing comments (and stunning photos). I figured they’d know this stuff.

I took the leap and grabbed it. It needs some tuning up but right away this thing is soooooo much fun. It has loads of great tone and way more notes than I need at any one point in time. I like it that way.

The pickups are active (switchable) and are clear and loud. When I have a dirty amp tone it sounds better with the pickups in passive mode, but then again I haven’t had the chance to tweak ideal amp settings for the active settings.

I did a little research to try and figure out what it is.  The guy that sold it to me called it a “Prestige”.  I asked the guy at Rondo Music what it is, and at first he said it was a V2, but there are a few features that are better than that offers, the bridge, the finished headstock and the active electronics.  He then said it may have been an early bolt-on version of the Z6 (which is a neck-through).



